Thursday, July 22, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Soundbite Coach

1. You have no idea what a soundbite is.

2. You have never been interviewed before and now, a journalist or talk show host has scheduled time to talk with you.

3. You have been interviewed before... and you bombed.

4. You need an objective journalist to tell you if your interviews are logical, compelling and effective.

5. You cannot think of acceptable answers to reporters other than, "#@*?!!*."

6. You seek publicity to build awareness for a new product, service, book or cause, and your messages are getting no traction.

7. You want insurance against a crisis.

8. You have a high-stakes presentation scheduled.

9. You have received unflattering attention in social or news media.

10. You know your employees are not hearing you. You want shorter, stickier taglines to change the culture.

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