Sunday, June 7, 2009

Details that Derail

When you're trying to get publicity, pay attention to the details. Here are a few turn-offs that immediately tell producers you're not ready for prime-time:

1. Mistakes in your emails or press releases. Proof-read. If you can't get it right on a document that you've had time to work on, why should producers take a chance on you to get it right on live TV or radio?

2. Low energy telephone call. When you call to pitch, be just as high-energy, fun and peppy as you will be during an interview. If you speak too slowly and sound bored, the producer figures that's how you will sound for the guest spot and be afraid to book you.

3. Guest does not fit the format of the show. Do your research. A publicist pitched me for a book last week saying it was like "Sex and the City." When I laughed politely and said then it wouldn't be a good fit since a Baptist pastor owned our TV station, she replied, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed." I'll be very careful about taking her pitches in the future, since I realize she doesn't know who our audience is.

4. Distracted or disorganized. Be on point when you call a reporter or producer. They work in minutes and seconds for a living and will only give you a few seconds before losing patience. Talk quickly and tell them immediately why you are a good fit for their program.

Take care of the details and get positive publicity!

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