Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How to Conduct a Great Radio Interview

1. Be there. Double check time zones--you will most likely be given the time zone that the show is in.

2. Really be there. Make sure the station has your backup phone number and that you have the emergency control room number.

3. Turn it off. Your computer--it makes noise. After you've established contact, turn your cell phone off. If it's a station in which you can receive the signal, turn your radio off.

4. Don't cook or otherwise multi-task during your interview. You want to be focused. Just because the interviewer and listeners can't see you, they can hear you. They can also tell if you're distracted.

5. Prepare the interviewer. Even if you're not asked, do send your bio and suggested questions ahead of time.

6. Practice answering questions. Although you may think a radio interview is just talking, you want to sound conversational without coming across as canned. You want to let the questioner get the whole question out… and you want to be gracious even if you're interrupted. You want to sound professional but spontaneous. And for some, this takes rehearsal. Practice with a friend or for that extra polish, hire a soundbite coach!

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